There are few things more exciting than buying your first replica designer bag, and it’s definitely considered a rite of passage for any fashion-savvy girl out there. Nothing screams luxury like a chic designer handbag, and it can make or break even the simplest outfit. It can be totally overwhelming trying to decide what bag you want to go for. Do you go for a timeless classic, that’s sophisticated and understated, like the Chanel Medium Classic Flap Bag Black Lambskin GHW? Or do you choose a more trend-lead piece which has been spotted on the arm of every Instagram influencer worth her salt, such as the Hermès Epsom Constance 24? It can be a tough call to make, but it’s one of the most important decisions to make before you can even start to shop for your new replica designer handbag.
It’s super easy to get swamped with choice. With everything from Instagram to Vogue showing you the latest bags, narrowing your choices down can seem like an impossible task. That’s why you need to ask yourself some key questions that will really help you to narrow down your search and think about what you really want. And we would like to share tips on how to buy designer bags for less based on successful shopping experiences of years.
Shop Chanel Medium Classic Flap Bag Black Lambskin GHW for cheap
Size Does Matter
Trust us. Oversized bags, like the Saint Laurent Medium LouLou bag in black “y” matelassé leather will fit in all your worldly belongings, making you look effortlessly chic as you go about town. On the other hand, easy to carry handbags such as the Gucci Soho Small Leather Disco Bag Black 308364 are effortless and won’t weigh you down. There is always the misconception that buying bigger is better, however if you’re not used to carrying a large bag around, the chances are you’ll get sick of toting around an oversized replica handbag pretty quickly. Similarly, if you can’t go anywhere without carrying everything but the kitchen sink, you’re going to get far more use out of an oversized designer handbag than a small clutch. Try to picture what you’re used to carrying around and how you feel about carrying different sized bags; it doesn’t matter how stylish it is, if it’s not practical or you can’t picture yourself carrying it around, go for something else.
Saint Laurent Medium LouLou bag in black “y” matelassé leather
Shop Gucci Soho Small Leather Disco Bag Black replica online
What Are You Going to Use it For?
Think about what your needs are when it comes to your handbag. Do you need something oversized and heavy duty to take to the office every day? If so, a large, sturdy bag is key here. The Louis Vuitton Neverfull is an iconic bag that is perfect for everything from weekends away to a busy day at work. It’s large enough to fit all your essentials in, without compromising on style. If you hate carting around an overstuffed tote all day, pick something more petite. Capable of being worn during the day for shopping or going out for drinks in the evening, small bags are not only hugely stylish right now, but they’re also surprisingly practical. Gucci replica is one of the best brands for this style of bag, and the Gucci GG Marmont Flap Bag is all over Instagram at the moment for good reason. Elegant and simple, it’s the ultimate bag that goes from day to night with no effort required as it’s big enough for the essentials without getting in your way. Two of the most classic French fashion houses, Chanel and Dior, do delicate bags better than anyone. The Chanel 2.55 Flap Bag has never gone out of style in over 60 years and is the mark of any style-savvy fashion follower, whilst the Dior Lady Dior puts a modern twist on the shopper bag, with a whole range of colours and styles so you can effortlessly pair it with any outfit you like.
Know your Brands
Different brands will also have different price points, and unless you’re blessed with an unlimited income or a lottery win, price is going to be a factor. Get to know the different brands, and think about what you can afford. Splurging on a designer handbag is one of life’s greatest luxuries, but don’t put yourself into debt for the sake of having the most expensive style. If you’re wanting to go all out, Hermes handbags are as high-end as you can get. Notorious for their high price points and extensive waiting lists, carrying a bag like the Hermes Kelly 28 Black Epsom Leather GHW is guaranteed to make a statement. However, if you’re wanting to go a bit more affordable for your first designer bag, the Louis Vuitton Speedy is a savvy option that is absolutely timeless, whilst still being easy on your bank account.
You know just how hard it is to get your hands on authentic Hermes bags. Try to buy a super fake Hermes Kelly 28 Black Epsom Leather GHW, just can’t spot the difference VS. the Authentic Hermes bag.
Knowing your brands is the best way to determine exactly what you want. Do some research into the various styles that each brand carries and try to decide which style suits you best. Do you want to go classic or trendy? Modern or vintage? These are all questions you need to answer before you can settle on the perfect style for you. If you can’t resist the allure of owning the ultimate luxury bag, the Hermes Birkin 30 Bag 7t Blue Electric Togo Calfskin GHW should be at the very top of your list. This is the ultimate luxury designer handbag, and if you can hack the long waiting list (we’re talking several years) then this bag is one of the best investments you can make. Known for retaining, or even increasing, their value, a Birkin is the ultimate accessory of the rich, famous and fashionable.
You know just how hard it is to get your hands on authentic Hermes bags. Try to buy an ultimate replica Hermes Birkin 30 Bag 7t Blue Electric Togo Calfskin GHW, just can’t spot the difference VS. the Authentic Hermes bag.
What’s Your Style?
Choosing a timeless piece is your best option if you don’t want to keep replacing your bags every season. Chanel is always a chic option when picking your first designer bag. Immediately recognisable and always in style, choose a modern but simple style such as the Chanel Boy Bag Small in Black Lambskin With Silver HW. This is a bag that will go with any outfit, from a simple jeans and heels for cocktails to an all-out black tie outfit. The Chanel Medium Boy Bag and the Chanel Reissue 2.55 Size 226 or size 227 are one of the most iconic and timeless designer handbags ever made. Based on their style from 1955, these bags have not only stood the test of time, but they show no sign of going out of style any time soon. Anyone who’s anyone has one of these in their closet, and they can take even the most basic outfit to gala-ready levels in seconds. If you’re only going to buy one designer bag in your lifetime, it should probably be this.
Simple and chic bags will last you forever, particularly ones that are exceptional quality. The Céline Medium Classic bag in box calfskin Amazone is understated and minimalist, making it perfect for the modern woman who likes to keep her outfits chic and uncomplicated. Similarly, the Gucci Dionysus Small GG Shoulder Bag Brown 400249 screams classic glamour and poise, and wouldn’t be amiss at everything from The Met Ball to brunch with your girlfriends. It has a unique vintage charm about it too and will withstand the ever-changing fashion trends. If vintage style is your thing, Louis Vuitton replica pieces should always be your go-to. The Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Pochette Metis M40780 or the Louis Vuitton Dauphine MM M44391 each look time-honoured and effortlessly glamorous without looking out of place with even the most modern outfits.
Céline Medium Classic bag in box calfskin Amazone
Shop replica Gucci Dionysus Small GG Shoulder Bag Brown for the best quality
Once you’ve decided which designer handbag you’re going to buy, don’t forget to actually enjoy the process! It’s one of the greatest joys for any fashion follower, and it should be fun and exciting, whether you’re going into the store and taking it home with you that day, or you’re eagerly anticipating it being delivered after an online purchase – savour every moment, and don’t forget to take plenty of Instagram photos!